In accordance with the State Constitution and Laws, the Sheriff is also the Chief Jailer of the County and is required to operate and maintain the jail.
This division is managed and directed by Major Shane Taylor and Captain Diane Henderson assisted by Lieutenant Timothy Watson and Shane Spradlin.
Brief History
In October 1979, The Carroll County Sheriff's Office moved from downtown Carrollton to the present location at 1000 Newnan Road. This move included a new jail facility that was designed to house 85 inmates. As the population of Carroll County grew, so did the number of inmates at the jail. By the late 1990's, the population had grown to over 440 inmates daily. Due to this increase, plans were implemented for the construction of a new facility using funds from a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.
In October 2001, the Carroll County Jail transitioned into a new facility, the Jack T. Bell Detention Center. This new facility was designed to house 644 inmates. The existing facility was then converted into a female housing unit, with a capacity of 124 inmates. In January 2006, forty-eight additional beds were installed on the maximum-security level of the male housing unit. This brought the total capacity for both facilities to 645 beds.
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