My family and I are going on vacation; can the Sheriff's Office keep an eye on our home while we are gone?
You can call 770-830-5888 and ask for any Deputy to make the request. The Deputy will get the information and pass the information on to the officer that patrol your neighborhood day and night. While we cannot "watch" your house constantly, the officer will try to check on it each night as often as possible.
Should I report suspicious activity in my neighborhood?
The Sheriff's Office depends on citizens calling to report crimes or suspicious activity. The receiving deputy who takes your call will ask questions about the activity to determine its nature and ask for descriptions of the people involved. You will be asked for your name and address but you may refuse this information and we will still respond to the report.
Why do they ask so many questions when I call 911?
Receiving 911 dispatchers are trained to try to get as much information as possible to best determine the nature of the problem and its seriousness. On emergency calls, the receiving dispatcher will send the information to the officer while asking additional questions. Although this can be time consuming, it is imperative to answer all questions, so please be patient so that you can be better served.
Where can I pick up a copy of a Incident report?
You can get a copy of an Incident report at the Carroll County Sheriff's Office.
I have left my spouse and am living elsewhere, but I need to get my clothing and other items, can the Sheriff's Office help me?
The Sheriff's Office will send an officer to keep the peace and prevent violence while you retrieve your belongings. The Deputy will only be available to stay while you retrieve your personal affects. (i.e., clothes, toiletries).
Can a Deputy open my car if I have locked my keys inside?
Because of the potential damage to the vehicle, the Sheriff's Office does not open locked vehicles. A locksmith is your best alternative. If a child is locked inside the vehicle, please don't hesitate to call 911 for assistance.
What is the inmate visitation schedule?
All visitors will register with the Visitation Officer in the jail lobby. Visitors will remain in the lobby after registration until the inmate's name is called. Download the rules and schedule below for complete details.
Additional Information: Visitation Rules & Schedule
Please refer to the schedule located in the jail reception lobby.
What items may be brought to an inmate at the jail?
Are inmates allowed to smoke at the jail facility?
No! The Carroll County jail is a tobacco-free facility, no tobacco products are allowed.
What is the inmate commissary?
The Carroll County Jail provides a commissary for inmates. Commissary is a privilege for the inmates and can be stopped at any time with little or no notice. Commissary can be revoked as part of a disciplinary action.
Inmates may only order items on the approved list.
No inmate account will be extended a credit. If money is not available in the account, the order will not be processed. No inmate may transfer funds from one account to another. Inmates will not be allowed to transfer money from one inmate account to another. Checks from an inmate's commissary account will only be issued to the inmate, no third-party checks will be issued, except in emergency situations.
Family or friends will be able to purchase commissary packets for inmates. All items will be purchased online through our commissary link below.
Use this link to view a full list of items and prices that can be purchased.
How do I mail something to an inmate?
Mail will be delivered as soon as possible, following security inspection measures. Please read the document below for complete details on the process and instructions for sending inmates mail.
Incoming mail must be addressed as follows:
Carroll County Jail
1000 Newnan Road
Carrollton, Georgia 30116
Additional Information: Inmate Mail Process
How can an inmate be assigned to a prisoner work detail?
Selection and approval for the trustee program and work detail assignments will be made by the Jail Administrator designee. Inmates must be minimum security, sentenced, and have no disciplinary reports to be considered. These inmates will be selected during the classification process. Violations of rules, regulations, policies, and procedures may result in removal from work programs. Selection of work detail assignments is at the discretion of the jail staff. Any inmate housed in a work detail unit that refuses to perform assigned duties without proper medical authority is subject to be placed back in general housing.
What is half-time for an inmate?
In accordance with the Official Code of Georgia, the sheriff may grant an inmate earned time for early release based on factors of good behavior. Violations of jail rules and regulations that result in disciplinary actions against an inmate may result in the loss of earned time credit. Inmates sentenced to time in the disciplinary unit may lose twice the amount of the sentence in earned time credits, to the maximum length of the inmate's original court ordered sentence. This does not apply to inmates sentenced to go into the prison system.
What about inmate telephone privileges?
Telephones are provided in each cell block. These are collect calls only. Three-way calling is not permitted. Any attempt at three-way calling will result in a block being placed on that number. Telephones located within the jail area are collect call phones, accessible by use of an inmate's personal Identification number that is issued during the intake procedure. All telephone calls are recorded and may be monitored, except for legal consultations.
If you have a problem with the inmate telephone system, please contact Securus Technologies at 1-800-844-6591.
What should I do if I do not want to receive telephone calls from an inmate?
All inmate calls are collect. If you do not wish to accept a call, listen for the voice message options. Select option 2 if you do want to accept the collect call. If you wish to have your telephone number restricted from all calls from the system, select option 6 from the listing.
What is classification for inmate housing?
Inmates will be assigned an interim classification when he or she arrives, based upon sex, status of the offense and violent nature of the offender. After interim classification, the inmate may be placed into an Interim Housing Unit.
Prior to placement in a normal Housing Unit, the inmate must have completed Custody Classification by the approved Classification Officer. This classification is based upon the above data, as well as the inmate's criminal history, past disciplinary problems, special management needs, and other criteria. Housing assignments will be based on the assigned inmate classification to ensure safety and security.
What programs are offered to the inmates?
Various programs may be offered to inmates housed in the general population. Participation in these inmate programs is strictly voluntary, but acceptance into different programs may be based on differing criteria as established by the Jail and the sponsors of the particular program of interest. Programs offered include:
Substance Abuse programs
Alcohol Abuse programs
Inmates interested in being considered for participation in any of the offered programs should submit a request in writing to the Activities Director.
What about religious services?
The Carroll County Jail provides for the position of Chaplin. All religious activities are to be coordinated through the Chaplin's office. Religious services may be presented by personal contact with the Chaplin or his/her representative(s) and/or video conference. Inmates wishing to meet with the Chaplin, or that may require non-Judeo Christian counseling may do so by completing a Programs Request Form. Inmates requesting these services will be scheduled for bible study, training or counseling by the Chaplin. Emergency assistance can be obtained by contacting a detention officer. Emergency assistance includes, but is not limited to family illness or a death in the inmate's family.
Requests for religious materials must be directed to the Chaplin. Clergymen who wish to speak to an inmate must present a copy of their ordination card, or other means of verifying that he/she is a recognized minister. These visits should be approved in advance, either by the chaplain, or an appropriate supervisor.
How do I make an inmate's bond?
Surety or property bonds as they are commonly referred to, are available for most offenses, misdemeanor and felony. If a property bond is not already noted among the list of offenses and their bond amounts, the person will have to have an appearance before a judge to establish whether bond will be permitted and in what amount.
Additional Information: Bond Full Process
What is a transfer bond?
Transfer bonds are bonds that are approved by the Sheriff of the county in which property is located. A transfer bond may be approved for a property owner in Carroll County to post bond in another county in Georgia or it may be from the Sheriff of another county in Georgia for an individual detained in the Carroll County Jail. The Carroll County Jail does not accept transfer bonds from out of state.
What is an off bond affidavit?
Return Bond Affidavits, or coming off a bond as it is commonly called, is an order relieving a property owner or bondsman of their responsibility for a bond agreement. It is the responsibility of the person that signed the bond agreement to return the defendant to the Jail. Department officers usually do not pick up a defendant for this purpose. Once the individual is returned to the Jail, this affidavit must be completed and submitted. After all documentation is made, copy of the order is provided to the detainee and the person that made the bond. If a bench warrant is issued and the bondsman comes off bond, a copy of the affidavit should be forwarded to the court issuing the warrant. The original affidavit is placed in the person's jail file. Once this has been done, the subject is readmitted to the Jail, booked in with the original charges, noting Bondsman off Bond and allowing the subject to seek bond arrangements elsewhere.
It is not the policy of the Carroll County Jail to allow an individual or bonding agency who has returned an individual for an Off Bond Affidavit to complete another bond for the same charges. Once an individual has been returned to the facility, the person or agency making the return cannot then sign a bond to release the person on the same charges.
What is a first appearance hearing?
According to O.C.G.A. 17-4-26, "every law enforcement officer arresting under a warrant shall exercise reasonable diligence in bringing the person arrested before the judicial officer authorized to examine, commit, or receive bail and in any event to present the person arrested before a committing judicial officer within 72 hours after the arrest."
All persons arrested on a non-bondable felony, as well as offenses in violation of Family Violence Act are seen by the Magistrate Court judge. There are certain offenses for which an individual must appear before a Superior Court judge to set bond, O.C.G.A. 17-6-1
How do I obtain a Warrant?
Bad Checks--Under $500.00-A report will need to be filed with Law Enforcement where the incident occurred. The Magistrate Court may issue a warrant after all procedures have been followed.
Bad Checks--Over $500.00- These are considered felony checks and a report will need to be filed with the Law Enforcement agency where the incident occurred.
Criminal Warrants--A report must be filed with the Law Enforcement agency that the incident occurred in. At that time the Magistrate Court will set a date for a warrant hearing.
For further information contact the Magistrate Court at 770-830-5874.
Where do I get a copy of an Accident report?
Carroll County Sheriff's Office works accidents that occur on private property. These reports can be picked up at the Sheriff's Office.
Georgia State Patrol-Post 4, Villa Rica, GA handles accidents around the county or accidents involving injuries that occur in the county.
For further information please contact: 770-459-3661.
Where do I get drivers license?
DDS (Department of Drivers Services) is located at 512 Old Newnan Road, Carrollton, GA
Operating hours are Tuesday thru Saturday, 9am to 5pm
For further information call 770-836-4603 or 678-413-8400
Informational Website: DDS
Who do I contact for problems with animals?
You will need to contact the Carroll County Animal Control Office at 770-834-8150
Informational Website: Carroll County Animal Control
Unwanted Inmate Phone Calls?
Recently the Carroll County Sheriff's Office has received several calls from citizens getting inmate calls out of Texas. Some phone systems, like the one used at the Carroll County Jail, are automated, and if you listen carefully to all of the options it gives you have an option to block calls from that facility by pressing a number. However, if this does not work you may need to call one of the following telephone services and request that a block be placed on your phone number.
Correctional billing services 1-800-844-6591
Global Tel-link 1-877-650-4249
AT&T Customer care Service 1-888-815-9102
You may have to call all three places and make this request for a block because all of the calls are not coming from the same jail or correctional facility.
If you receive an unwanted call from an inmate do not accept the call, forward a call or place a three way call for this person, hang up. It could be a scam resulting in you getting unwanted charges on your phone bill.
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